Monday, November 14, 2011

WLW: Going Greek

I have made a fantastic discovery! Fantastic in my mind, anyway.

A few weeks ago, a co-worker and I discussed yogurt. Specifically, greek yogurt, which she had recently tried and absolutely loved. Mixed with fruit, she said, was a most satisfying breakfast.

I'd actually forgotten about that conversation until I was wandering around the grocery store in a vain attempt to find something interesting to eat. I was in the yogurt section, about to grab my usual lemon flavoured, low-fat, no-sugar brand, when I spotted some little tubs of the aforementioned greek yogurt.

Now, I'd been eating the now-fat, no-sugar yogurt mostly due to the low calorie count of the product. Which is kind of ridonkulous when I've been trying to get away from over-processed food by avoiding calorie-wise anything. So why the hell was I still eating the fake yogurt when I've been eating (reasonable portions of) real salad dressing, mayo, sour cream and everything else?

Upon perusing the nutrition labels, I found that the greek yogurt has a few less calories per serving than the full fat, full sugar yogurt, and far more protein as well. Alright, I said, I'll give it a shot. I picked out the strawberry kind – stick with a familiar flavour, I figured – got some bananas and strawberries (my yogurt staples) and toddled off home to await the morn.

Holy shitballs, it was amazing.

Soooooo yummy....

It's thick and creamy, the strawberry takes away the tartness, and it had more protein than my usual bacon and eggs – and less grease.

Wow, I just wrote a lot about yogurt....

I wish I could tell you I posted a loss today. In fact, as of Sunday I was all set to do so. I was down from what I'd been the past few weeks, and was looking forward to actually writing it this week.

But no. My weight had other ideas.

It's my own fault, really. I had the absolute shittiest day at work yesterday, awesome yogurt or no, and decided that I just wantedcheese and crackers for dinner. A lot of cheese and crackers.

mmmmm, cheese.

The logic behind it was 'surely having cheeseand crackers for dinner is better than going and getting a cheeseburger and poutine, right?' Because I really wanted a fucking cheeseburger and poutine, you have no idea.

So for the fourth week in a row (holy fuck!??!) I sit at 225 lbs. I'm getting seriously annoyed now.

I thought I did alright this last week – I didn't even drink at a derby get-together just because I wanted to post a loss! Okay, I had a couple Mexican Snickerdoodles and bread, but I've had worse than that with still posting a loss! Not recently, obviously, but it has happened. Plus! I've started doing step and stuff! Doesn't that count for anything?!!?

Rawr, says I. Rawr.

Maybe I should start doing the weekly weigh in on Mondays, and then just post that number here on Wednesdays?

Anyhoo, off to eat a nice salad and some chicken for dinner... 'cause I'm good like that.

Peace and Love,

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