Saturday, February 25, 2012

Project 365: Week Eight

Eight weeks already... man, time flies!

Had a few more delays this week in getting photos up on the Facebook, but they're all there. One way or another.

February 19
K-Sports, first week on the job!

February 20
Wish there was more money than plastic in my change purse.

February 21
I've got a lot of crap on my desk...

February 22
This is what keeps me busy during the day, page after page after page.

February 23
Gas prices went up, again. Rawr.

February 24
My lovely comfy blanket, that Stormy horked up a hairball all over at 4:30 AM

February 25
Oh look, winter came back. Bastard.

So there ya go. Eight weeks down, 44 more weeks to go! That's the right math, right?

Math is Hard,

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