Wednesday, February 22, 2012

WLW: Multiple Motivations

Yay! I'm on time this week!

The last month has seen me overworked and overstressed. I think I'm retaining stress fat instead of water like I usually do.

Work, work and more work, plus a couple stomach attacks and a lack of sleep have all fucked with my eating habits, though I've pretty well stuck to the exercise routine, so that's a bonus, I guess.

I do have to say, despite all the lack of poundage actually coming off me, I am still seeing a pretty substantial difference in the way my body looks now as opposed to how it looked last summer.

Here's how I looked mid June, about a week before I decided it was time to stop being a fat ass. Sorry it's not very big, or a full body shot, but it's the only shot of me I could find from then. I shoulda done a before shot...


Definitely on the chubby side. And here's how I looked as of Friday.

Na na na na na na na na na na BATMAN!

Visual aids are so helpful. And wow my hair has grown!

There's definitely a difference. Less belly for sure. Less face fat too. I'll take it.

That has actually given me more motivation than anything else. Knowing that I am toning up and could quite possibly get into The Dress for the June weddings has enabled me to resist muffin temptation this week. I really really wanted that muffin.

I also have yet another thing to motivate me – I'm officially registered for The Emperor's Challenge.

Go ahead and click that like and see what it is. Go on, I'll wait...


Done now?

Okay, so now that you've read that I'm going to be doing a 20k run OVER A FUCKING MOUNTAIN, you can tell me if it's awesome or stupid. Stupidly awesome, awesomely stupid? Whichever.

This means I'll need to start hill training soonish if I'm even going to make it 1k in. Luckily there's a nice hilly community forest for me to venture into once the snow melts.

So yeah. Trying not to have any Debbie Downer or Negative Nancy moments... those bitches have been running my life for several weeks now and I've kicked them to the curb. I've got more important shit to focus on.

As for my weight, I'm at 224.1 this week, which is fine. I can deal with that. Like I said, stress fat! Once I get some shit sorted out at work, most of the stress should go away. Until then, I'm just going to keep eating my salads and keep going for runs... and get back on my skates on Sunday!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

This coming week will be a good one, I can feel it.

Positive Vibes,

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