Saturday, February 18, 2012

Project 365: Week Seven

Lucky number seven! Whooooo!

Although it wasn't as lucky as I'd hoped, as I had something like 4 days between actually posting the photos on the Facebook album.... Gotta watch that this coming week. Not that I hadn't taken the photos, I just wound up forgetting my camera cable at work, or on at least one occasion, the camera itself at work.

Whatevs. New week, new chance to get it done right!

February 12
There's a little orange monster on my fridge.

February 13
Looks like a real locker room, doesn't it? It's not.

February 14
How I spent my Valentine's Day. Or as I called it, Tuesday.

February 15
Coffee was desperately needed.

February 16
Jersey in magenta light.

February 17
Proving I did in fact wear a Batman t-shirt to work.

February 18
Such pretties I now own, I feel so girly.

So that's week seven! My goal before the winter is over is to get at least one decent shot of the aurora.... Hopefully I can get a decent one in the next few weeks.

Seven weeks down, 45 more to go!

Batman and jewels,

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