Tuesday, February 14, 2012

WLW: Fitness finesse

Welcome to another edition of Weight Loss Thursday! Something I ate wasn't agreeing with me yesterday and I had another bought of really-feeling-like-I'm-gonna-vomit-but-then-I-don't-becuase-the-universe-hates-me. I'm really starting to get annoyed by it.


One of my derbies posted a link on Facebook to her Pinterest board (confusing, I know) that I think I should start keeping as my mantra.

You can't out-exercise a bad diet.

Oh, how true that is.

Running, or I guess jogging, has started to ramp up a bit as I'm now on Week 5 of the Learn To Run 10k program (for something like the fifth time I think). But all the jogging in the world isn't going to make Scale be nice to me.

I know it's bad and I know it makes it seem like I'm slacking off or whatever, but I've been so stressed out this week that I can't even fathom stepping on Scale. I'm running on four hours of sleep and eating next to nothing all day, I can't even imagine how fucked up my body is at the moment.

So yes, I'm a loser, baby. And not in the good way. I will be back to normal with posting next week, hopefully. I'm just so wrecked right now I can barely think. I need to focus on my eating again, since the stress is just making my stomach hurt which makes me not want to eat. Which puts me in starvation mode, which means my body clings to every ounce of fat on me. Boo-urns.

So for now, I'm off to take a bath since I haven't washed my hair in three days and it's getting really greasy. Then I'm going to bed.

Sweet Dreams, Bitches!

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