Saturday, March 17, 2012

Project 365: Week Eleven

Week Eleven lands on St. Patrick's Day! And I'm on the couch with my face leaking all over the place. Fucking sinus cold.

Anyway, this week was much better in terms of getting photos every day and uploading them when I'm supposed to. Back on track, bitches!

March 11
Blueberry tea to start my week off!

March 12
First day walking to work cuz Car was broken.

March 13
I know it looks like white dots, but the big one is Jupiter, and the little one is Venus!

March 14
Oh iPod, I've missed our long walks together.

March 15
My gear mixed with Faye-tal Flaw's a little bit.

March 16
Wedges make my legs go on forever. Now I have to re-learn to walk in them

March 17
Not green, but started the week with tea and ending it with tea.

So there ya go! Eleven weeks down, 41 left to go!

Happy Green Beer Day!

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