Wednesday, March 28, 2012

WLW: Distracted By Shiny Things

I love my new teapot!!!

Seriously, it's the bestest thing ever in life! It's made for loose tea, which I now have in abundance, and gives me at least two big mugs full of cookie-smelling goodness.

I'm a little teapot, short and stout....

I feel all fancy serving my tea from its own little pot as opposed to just dropping a bag into a mug of hot water. I want a top hat to wear too so I can be The Mad Hatter and Dante can be the March Hare and Stormy can be the Dormouse.

Too much?

So yeah, I love my tea, I'm drinking it like crazy, which is keeping me all nice and hydrated. That's a good thing, I understand. My Fitness Pal likes me hydrated too. My little water cup thingy overflows just about every day.

I think I'm figuring the whole calorie counting this out. I know what I ought to eat and where I need to cut back. For instance, rather than getting a medium soup from Safeway, I'll get a small one. Then I can have my whole ham and havarti wrap, with some mayo on it even.

Dinners are a little awkward during the week, since I have jogging, derby practice and dance practice that pushes my mealtime back considerably. Especially if I want to actually cook something. I've got a pork tenderloin in the oven as I type this, and I doubt I'll actually get to eat any of it before I have to leave for dance. Rawr.

I'm hungry now, dammit!

It also increases the number of calories I should be consuming by a considerable margin, especially after derby. A friend suggested I make myself a smoothie after derby, just to replenish some of those calories. I took her advice last week and it was quite nice, actually. I tried to make one last night, but my milk had gone sour and I had to throw the whole thing out. It was gross. But a great idea in principle! I've bought new milk so I can try again tomorrow.

More often than not, I've managed to come in under my daily intake, though somedays I've had more fat or protein than I should. Whatevs, this is a work in progress!

And, I will say, this week it seems to be working. Last week I had posted I was up to 224.7 after my initial Fitness Pal weigh in of 224.1 – this week, I am at 221.4lbs.

I was actually a little confused this morning, because I forgot it was Wednesday and didn't think that would be my actual official weigh in. But then I remembered it was, and I did a little dance because I'm creeping ever closer to getting out of the 220s! Yay!

I am paranoid that it's just a fluke, so I'm going to refrain from celebrating too much, just in case. Stick to the proper eating and don't get distracted by all the Easter candy.... so much Easter candy....


We're all a little Mad here...

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