Saturday, March 10, 2012

Project 365: Week Ten

Week ten saw a few drawbacks... T'was another week of vanishing camera cords and attempting to take photos of the Aurora Borealis, and failing miserably.

That photo was taken at like 11:57 PM on March 6, but I'm counting it for March 7. Close enough, right? Would've stayed outside longer to make it officially the 7th, but the wind was bitterly cold, and I'd just gotten my assed kicked at roller derby and really needed a shower. So nyah!

I'm not particularly thrilled with tis week's batch of photos, but I'll do better next week!

March 4
New vacuum! Now how the hell do you put it together?

March 5
What writer's block looks like on my laptop.

March 6
My car just got a little more badass...

March 7
A feeble attempt at getting a decent photo of the aurora.

March 8
Plates in the dishwasher, gotta improvise! (Forgive my dinner choice, WLW readers!)

March 9
What I spent my whole Friday doing. Season two in three weeks!

March 10
Molly and Boomer dogs, playing in the snow.

So there ya go. I will do my damnedest to take better shots this next week. Ten weeks down, 42 more to go!

Lack of Inspiration,

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