Wednesday, March 14, 2012

WLW: Groceries

I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY need to go grocery shopping.

I haven't done a decent grocery shop in something like two weeks, and it's led me to live on Subway and other such take away delicacies. Not McDonalds or anything that shitty, but rather doing stuff like buying a salad rather than buying the ingredients to make a salad. Lazy lazy me.

What's not lazy is the fact that I temporarily had to walk everywhere while Car was getting all fixed up. They gave him a faulty starter back in November, so that's getting all done up, but he needs his wheel bearings replaced. Car is not in great shape and I'm starting to wonder if it's not time to put him out to pasture.

On the plus side, walking all over the place has got to be better for me than sitting on my ass while Car transports me around town. Plus it gives me more steps in that Get Fit challenge thing.

And speaking of fitness, my coworker K-Sports clued me in to a little thing called My Fitness Pal, which I'm sure everyone except me has heard of, but for those that haven't, it's a free online tool to help track your calorie intake and exercise output. Through it, I've determined that I should be consuming about 1,700 calories each day and burning off 1,200 per week in order to lose a pound a week. Or something like that.

It's very likely I've been doing all the exercise, but have probably exceeded the calories. In fact, I know I have just looking at what I've eaten today. Yikes!

Basically, this thing is an online food journal, which is something that has worked for me in the past. So starting officially tomorrow, once I actually get to the grocery store, I will be tracking my food and exercise which really ought to help me with the numbers on Scale.

As for my number this week, I am up, again, to 223.something, but it's because I went out for a coworker's birthday on the weekend and consumed alcohol and potato nachos, which gave me a raging stomach ache and had me go home early to be miserable in peace.

But that's all gonna change this week, thanks to my new fitness pal! Hopefully!

Off to dance practice,

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