Tuesday, September 18, 2012


So today is my 30th birthday.

I always thought I'd feel really old at 30. Maybe it was because I thought the portion of my life and existence as a "young adult" was essentially over. maybe it's because the older I get, the more aware I become of my own mortality.

But I don't feel old. I feel like me. I take that as a good sign. My life isn't anywhere near over. It's just ongoing.

Here are the flowers that my mum sent to my office from her, the Old Man, my brother, sister, her husband and daughter. I like stuffed animals, I will never feel too old for stuffies!

Yay for purple!! 

Then later on, my co-workers were acting all shifty, calling me out of the office so the boss could come in with some stuff. K-News and K-Sports were apparently on Gchat all day talking about it – I'm actually impressed they were able to keep a straight face all day.

I got a cupcake, a nice card and this lovely little memento:

I cannot put into words how awesome this is.

So all in all, it's been a good day. I welcome my Dirty Thirties, and I expect this will be a pretty good year!

Whiskey and Smokes,

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