Wednesday, September 5, 2012

WLW: Busted

I think Scale might be broken. Or possibly in need of an (attitude) adjustment.

See, I've been incredibly lazy since the Emperor's Challenge. I've done shit fuck all in terms of exercise, and my eating habits were less than subpar for the week and a half that followed it. So I naturally expected to be up a bit once I finally stepped on Scale's face again.

My first time stepping on Scale had me at 228. Holy fucksandwich, that was not good. So I started going back to eating better and the number went down to 226. Yay!

Twenty-four hours after weighing in at that 226, I stepped on Scale again, and some miracle happened. I magically lost 9 pounds overnight and weighed in at 217.

Okay, what the fuck?

That says to me that something is wrong with Scale, although I'm going to keep an eye on it and see if it wasn't just a fluke or if my fat just magically disappeared.

Wouldn't the latter be wonderful?!

Anyhoo, these early mornings are really fucking with my eating habits. I can't bring myself to eat oatmeal in the morning anymore because it looks like cat puke after I warm it up. I've now switched to Greek yogurt and fruit, which is much easier to handle at 6 a.m.

I did bad this week, twice, because my coffee shop reopened after a month and I was finally able to get a good second travle mug of coffee that I caved and got one of their amazing muffin both today and yesterday.

No more fucking muffins after this!!!

But we're so tasty, Ginger...

Bellydance is starting up again tonight, I believe. Either way, I am dedicated to going to the gym tomorrow as soon as I'm done work. An hour on the treadmill or stationary bike will do me some good.

For now, I'm going to have some soup and rest my weary brain.

Happy Hump Day,

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