Wednesday, September 12, 2012

WLW: Soda Pop Gods

Life is funny sometimes. Not "ha ha" funny, but like "fuck you" funny.

Okay, "fuck you" might be a little harsh, but still. it's like the universe decided to throw another temptation at me while I try and rid myself of my one true vice.

I love pop. I really do. I'd take a can of pop over chips or candy. But I've been trying to cut it out of my diet because it's so fucking bad for you.

Well guess what the Soda Pop Gods decided to do recently?

They brought back Wild Cherry Pepsi.

Fuck you and your amazingness, Pepsi!!!!

I abso-fucking-loutely loved Wild Cherry Pepsi way back when it first came out. And now it's even in diet form! Holy fuck!!

I bought a case. I have consumed it. I'm going to try and have the willpower to not buy another case.

It's going to be very difficult...

In other news, I'm completely convinced that Scale is broken, since I've weighed anything from 195 pounds to 232 pounds this week. If that's not a sign that Scale needs replacing, I don't know what is.

The gym has actually been going well. I must have strengthened up my knees sometime in the last year, because I don't get that horrible burning pain in them whenever I use the elliptical machine like I used to. So that's a bonus!

Plus we're back to bellydancing again, which is going to kick my ass for the next few weeks while my body remembers what it's like to use those dance muscles again.

So yeah. That's all I got right now.

Have a lovely day,

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