Saturday, March 31, 2012

Project 365: Week Thirteen

Unlucky number 13! We made it this far, only makes sense to keep going, right? I make it through the evilest of weeks and it should be all golden from here on out! Yay!

Some pretty nice photos and some pretty shitty photos this week... enjoy!

March 25
Where the Hell am I now?

March 26
Random mitten on a random pole. How random.

March 27
Public works trying to unfreeze and drain pipe and make the lake go away.

March 28
It's a little teapot, short and stout!

March 29
Is that rain? It is rain!

March 30
In desperate need of coffee this morning.

March 31
Personal hygiene is very important.

Like I said, some nice, some shitty. Imma do better this coming week, I swears it, precious!

Keep on Shutterbuggin'

Friday, March 30, 2012

Shimmy! Part I

January 2012 marked the seventh year I've been bellydancing. It's been a huge part of my life since, so I've decided to mark the occasion by sharing how I discovered it. I realized that the story is awfully long, so I've broken it into two parts. I wish I had some photos to go with this entry, but sadly I have none from that period. There will be plenty in the next part though! Enjoy!

The first time I ever saw a bellydance performance that wasn't in a movie was during some garden festival in Windermere back when I was probably 18. My mom and I watched as this group of women, all different shapes and sizes, came out in these fabulous sparkley costumes and did a dance with veils. They ended the dance by doing what I called the "Xena Yell," which I later found out was called an arabic yell.

I was hooked. The dances were so pretty, and it looked like an awful lot of hip work. I had pretty ample hips! I could totally dance like that!

At the time I was living in Cranbrook, and I couldn't locate anyone who might have been offering bellydance classes. I figured learning how to bellydance was just a pipe dream at that point. That saddened me.

It wasn't until my third year in Kelowna, when for whatever reason one of my roommate and I were talking about bellydancing, and she said the Parkinson Rec Centre offered a variety of classes and we should see what they had in the way of dance classes. Lo and behold, they actually had a beginner's bellydance class! Four years after seeing that first performance I was finally going to get to try it!

Getting to these classes wasn't easy. We lived on campus, which was out by the airport, while the rec centre was about two thirds of the way downtown. So we had to take two separate buses to get there, and since we were already near the grocery stores, we'd take a cab to Save On Foods, then walk with out food back to the one bus stop, and ride all the way to the South Campus before turning around and finally heading back to the North Campus. It was quite the ordeal for a Tuesday night.

Our instructor was a lovely lady names Linda who always had full makeup and almost full costume every single class. She'd have us put on shawls with lots of fringe before leading us through a good solid warm-up and learning the very basics.

We learned a basic dance that involved lots of shimmys and hip pops – it was surprising how many muscles it takes to actually do all those things

Once we completed the beginner class, school was done and I was moving back home to work for the summer, but don't worry, Linda said, she'll be offering an intermediate class in September.

So I dragged myself home to cut grass all day for four months, just waiting to get back to bellydancing. And university, I suppose.

Finally I got back to Kelowna and the aforementioned roomie and I found an apartment off campus that was within walking distance of the rec centre, which made getting to classes a hell of a lot easier.

Form there I began the intermediate class. I should point out that the dance we learned in the beginner class was probably about 2 minutes long. That intermediate dance was 6 minutes long. That's a huge effin' jump, but I gotta say, I loved that dance. I couldn't do it now if I wanted to (maybe if I actually had the music), but it was so fun just trying to cram that many steps into a 10-week class.

Linda didn't do an advanced class, but told me I was more than welcome to take the intermediate one again. She taught a different dance every session, you see. I believe the second time around, we did a veil dance. Once that session was done, I decided to take the class a third time. It was then that Linda asked if I would be interested in joining her troupe, Banat Al Raks.

Oh, twist my rubber arm.

So that summer, by then it was summer, I did the intermediate class as well as practices with the troupe. I got my own suitcase full of costumes to wear, which was actually quite intimidating at first. Banat Al Raks was more of a folk bellydance group, in that we weren't in sparkly bras and skirts with slits up to your ass – we were pretty well covered, except for the actual belly area.

With that troupe I did two performances. Which was a huge freakin' deal, because I had horrific stage fright at the time. I was one of those people who couldn't even speak in front of classmates in school. My first one was during some downtown festival in Kelowna, we were in a building that I believe had some kind of wine tasting or something going on. There was no stage, we just had an open area to do our thing.

I was hiding in the back, because it was far safer for me back there. I didn't know the dances all that well, just the one that the troupe does that we learned in the class. When they did a dance I didn't know at all, I just got to stand back and pose. Oh, and smile. It is damn hard to remember to smile when you're so nervous you feel like you're going to puke.

But some way, some how, I made it through and was exhilarated when it was over. I could officially call myself a real live bellydancer, just like those ladies at the garden festival.

My second ever performance was part of a regional show that had troupes from all over the Okanagan. This one was actually on a stage in the theatre at the South Campus, which was scary as hell for me. I was near the back and off to the side, so I could see Linda our of the corner of my eye and follow along. We did a dance that I knew, but good lord, watching the video of the performance afterwards, I was terrible. I was about half a beat behind everyone, and it was painfully obvious. I was mortified.

But, the ladies in the troupe didn't judge me at all, and told me I'd get better. Like anything else, practice makes perfect. The next performance opportunity was at some event down in Pentiction that September, which we were learning a cane dance for that I really thought was cool. I couldn't wait to do this performance, I was gonna do way better this time!

But life had other plans.

Not two days before, I'd applied for a job in Fort St. John that was actually in my field. I was miserable in my landscaping job, having graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and not doing anything with it was just depressing. I didn't think I'd get a call back, at least not for a while. Well, they called me the day after I applied and wanted me there for an interview four days later.

Sadly, in order to get there in time for the interview, I had to leave the same day I was supposed to do that performance in Pentiction. And I knew it was unlikely I'd be coming back.

I called Linda, and explained everything to her – she knew I wasn't happy with my work, and was considering moving on – and bless her heart for being so understanding. I bawled like a baby when she came to pick up my costume suitcase, knowing that I wouldn't dance with the troupe again.

I thought my bellydance career was over. I mean, really, it's not like there'd be bellydancing in Fort St. John, right?

Oh, how wrong I was.

To be continued...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

WLW: Distracted By Shiny Things

I love my new teapot!!!

Seriously, it's the bestest thing ever in life! It's made for loose tea, which I now have in abundance, and gives me at least two big mugs full of cookie-smelling goodness.

I'm a little teapot, short and stout....

I feel all fancy serving my tea from its own little pot as opposed to just dropping a bag into a mug of hot water. I want a top hat to wear too so I can be The Mad Hatter and Dante can be the March Hare and Stormy can be the Dormouse.

Too much?

So yeah, I love my tea, I'm drinking it like crazy, which is keeping me all nice and hydrated. That's a good thing, I understand. My Fitness Pal likes me hydrated too. My little water cup thingy overflows just about every day.

I think I'm figuring the whole calorie counting this out. I know what I ought to eat and where I need to cut back. For instance, rather than getting a medium soup from Safeway, I'll get a small one. Then I can have my whole ham and havarti wrap, with some mayo on it even.

Dinners are a little awkward during the week, since I have jogging, derby practice and dance practice that pushes my mealtime back considerably. Especially if I want to actually cook something. I've got a pork tenderloin in the oven as I type this, and I doubt I'll actually get to eat any of it before I have to leave for dance. Rawr.

I'm hungry now, dammit!

It also increases the number of calories I should be consuming by a considerable margin, especially after derby. A friend suggested I make myself a smoothie after derby, just to replenish some of those calories. I took her advice last week and it was quite nice, actually. I tried to make one last night, but my milk had gone sour and I had to throw the whole thing out. It was gross. But a great idea in principle! I've bought new milk so I can try again tomorrow.

More often than not, I've managed to come in under my daily intake, though somedays I've had more fat or protein than I should. Whatevs, this is a work in progress!

And, I will say, this week it seems to be working. Last week I had posted I was up to 224.7 after my initial Fitness Pal weigh in of 224.1 – this week, I am at 221.4lbs.

I was actually a little confused this morning, because I forgot it was Wednesday and didn't think that would be my actual official weigh in. But then I remembered it was, and I did a little dance because I'm creeping ever closer to getting out of the 220s! Yay!

I am paranoid that it's just a fluke, so I'm going to refrain from celebrating too much, just in case. Stick to the proper eating and don't get distracted by all the Easter candy.... so much Easter candy....


We're all a little Mad here...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Project 365: Week Twelve

Three months gone by already? That's kind of astounding and I don't know if I like it.

It does get harder and harder to remember to take a photo each day, but I still think it's a worthwhile goal for myself.

Week Twelve has some decent photos and some crappy photos, but photos nonetheless.

March 18
At home with a sinus cold. Kleenex and zinc lozenges were my saviours.

March 19
Stormy in a box. I imagine I'll have many of these before the year is up.

March 20
Went for a photo walk around the block at work.

March 21
So, this is spring, huh? Frosty car.

March 22
Post-derby smoothie! Delish!

March 23
Mah derby-wifey is moving away, and this just clinches it.

March 24
Best. Coffee. EVER! I will likely buy every bag the store has if I haven't already.

So there ya have it. Twelve weeks down, 40 more to go!

Happy Photo Hunting!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

WLW: My Fitness Pal

Okay, So I've been using My Fitness Pal for a full week now, and you know what I've learned?

I don't eat too terribly, but I eat too much of that not-too-terrible food. My calorie intake has basically been enough for me to maintain – fluctuate, even – but not actually lose any weight.

I kinda wish I found this thing six months ago.

I've kind of been subscribing to the Weight Watchers notion that fruit and veggies don't count for anything – in their new program, those have a zero point value. Well guess what? Everything, even fruits and vegetables, have calories.


So I'm going to have to be a little more aware of what I'm eating. Like, I don't need three bananas a day. Those 300 calories could go towards a decent dinner. I don't want to be one of those anal people that count every single fucking calorie, but I may have to start. Which sucks. Balls.

Eating aside, I'm not too sure about the exercise aspect of My Fitness Pal. Roller Derby practice is not on its list of activities – not surprising – so I'm not sure how to measure my cardio. I choose inline skating, because that's the closest I can find, which covers our 30 minute endurance/stamina skate. But I don't know what to call the rest of practice. Quick feet, toe stop walking, duck walking, jumping over things, weaving, crossovers, transitions – I'm counting it all as aerobics, because I don't know how else to categorize it. My jogging and jazzercising (I tried jazzercise this week, BTW) I can fit in easy.

Then you get the calories you've burned off. Apparently inline skating for 30 minutes burns off 600 some odd calories. The 45-ish minutes of "aerobics" burns off 300-ish. So My Fitness Pal tells me I need to eat an extra almost 1,000 calories a day.

Who the Hell wants to eat 1,000 calories at 11 p.m.?!?!

I'm tired by then, I've just gotten home and had my post-derby shower. All I want to do is lie on the couch and decompress a little before going to bed. I don't even want to eat after practice, although I know I ought to eat something, since I eat very little before so I don't puke it back up.

Despite it sounding like I dislike My Fitness Pal and what it does, I actually do like using it and will continue to do so. I think this week was just a learning week. Mostly because I didn't actually lose any weight.

Yes, it's true. I'm actually up with week, according to Scale. I find this incredibly odd, since I'm sporting at least a 222 lbs belly, and Scale says I'm back up to 224. Someone's being a lying A-Hole.

At any rate, I shall continue tracking what I'm eating, and re-jig my eating to make this work. I may actually make Jazzercise part of my weekly routine.

Intake vs output,

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Project 365: Week Eleven

Week Eleven lands on St. Patrick's Day! And I'm on the couch with my face leaking all over the place. Fucking sinus cold.

Anyway, this week was much better in terms of getting photos every day and uploading them when I'm supposed to. Back on track, bitches!

March 11
Blueberry tea to start my week off!

March 12
First day walking to work cuz Car was broken.

March 13
I know it looks like white dots, but the big one is Jupiter, and the little one is Venus!

March 14
Oh iPod, I've missed our long walks together.

March 15
My gear mixed with Faye-tal Flaw's a little bit.

March 16
Wedges make my legs go on forever. Now I have to re-learn to walk in them

March 17
Not green, but started the week with tea and ending it with tea.

So there ya go! Eleven weeks down, 41 left to go!

Happy Green Beer Day!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

WLW: Groceries

I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY need to go grocery shopping.

I haven't done a decent grocery shop in something like two weeks, and it's led me to live on Subway and other such take away delicacies. Not McDonalds or anything that shitty, but rather doing stuff like buying a salad rather than buying the ingredients to make a salad. Lazy lazy me.

What's not lazy is the fact that I temporarily had to walk everywhere while Car was getting all fixed up. They gave him a faulty starter back in November, so that's getting all done up, but he needs his wheel bearings replaced. Car is not in great shape and I'm starting to wonder if it's not time to put him out to pasture.

On the plus side, walking all over the place has got to be better for me than sitting on my ass while Car transports me around town. Plus it gives me more steps in that Get Fit challenge thing.

And speaking of fitness, my coworker K-Sports clued me in to a little thing called My Fitness Pal, which I'm sure everyone except me has heard of, but for those that haven't, it's a free online tool to help track your calorie intake and exercise output. Through it, I've determined that I should be consuming about 1,700 calories each day and burning off 1,200 per week in order to lose a pound a week. Or something like that.

It's very likely I've been doing all the exercise, but have probably exceeded the calories. In fact, I know I have just looking at what I've eaten today. Yikes!

Basically, this thing is an online food journal, which is something that has worked for me in the past. So starting officially tomorrow, once I actually get to the grocery store, I will be tracking my food and exercise which really ought to help me with the numbers on Scale.

As for my number this week, I am up, again, to 223.something, but it's because I went out for a coworker's birthday on the weekend and consumed alcohol and potato nachos, which gave me a raging stomach ache and had me go home early to be miserable in peace.

But that's all gonna change this week, thanks to my new fitness pal! Hopefully!

Off to dance practice,

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Project 365: Week Ten

Week ten saw a few drawbacks... T'was another week of vanishing camera cords and attempting to take photos of the Aurora Borealis, and failing miserably.

That photo was taken at like 11:57 PM on March 6, but I'm counting it for March 7. Close enough, right? Would've stayed outside longer to make it officially the 7th, but the wind was bitterly cold, and I'd just gotten my assed kicked at roller derby and really needed a shower. So nyah!

I'm not particularly thrilled with tis week's batch of photos, but I'll do better next week!

March 4
New vacuum! Now how the hell do you put it together?

March 5
What writer's block looks like on my laptop.

March 6
My car just got a little more badass...

March 7
A feeble attempt at getting a decent photo of the aurora.

March 8
Plates in the dishwasher, gotta improvise! (Forgive my dinner choice, WLW readers!)

March 9
What I spent my whole Friday doing. Season two in three weeks!

March 10
Molly and Boomer dogs, playing in the snow.

So there ya go. I will do my damnedest to take better shots this next week. Ten weeks down, 42 more to go!

Lack of Inspiration,

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

WLW: Eleventy Billion

I'm pretty sure that's the number of calories I burned last night, because holy shit I felt like death by the time derby practice as over.

I was light-headed and I could taste my dinner in the back of my throat, which was absolutely disgusting. I had hoped that I'd be better conditioned, but I felt like I'd sat on the bloody couch all winter instead of being all exercise-y. Boo-urns!

Oh well. It's nice to be back at it. Lots of new faces last night, which was awesome to see. Yay!

Between roller derby, belly dance and running, I really ought to be able to drop several more inches by the end of the summer. I actually want to get an iPhone just so I can have this app. Running would be a hell of a lot more fun, and likely more effective, by having intervals of running away from Zombies.

I've not had the greatest day today – I had heartburn for most of the afternoon and now I'm getting that pukey in the throat feeling again. Maybe a sandwich for lunch wasn't the best idea.

On the plus side, I am down this week! Last week was 223.5, and this week I'm 222.5! Yay! I think it's due to the aforementioned eleventy billion calories I burned at practice.

So, yeah. I'm gonna go crawl into bed and read Interview with the Vampire on my Kindle. Sorry for being all short and lame this week. I think I need to go back to cutting out all carbs all together.

I know kung fu,

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Project 365: Week Nine

Okay, I'm a day late with posting, I know. Had a very busy and exhausting day yesterday and couldn't muster the energy. Boo-urns.

Anyhoo, here's my batch of photos for this week!

February 26
Free skate! First time back on skates in four months.

February 27
I won an Oscar for not watching the Oscars! Yay!

February 28
A creepy-ass coffee bean drinking coffee. Isn't that cannibalism?

February 29
Leap Day! Also Leave A Half Eaten Green Cupcake On The Mailbox Day!

March 1
Taylor at night after derby practice.

March 2
Flipping off the host of the talent show. It's okay, I know him.

March 3
I found my Coo! I've missed him.

So there ya have it! Nine weeks down, 43 more to go!

Snappy snappy,