Saturday, January 21, 2012

Project 365: Week Three

This was a most chilly week!

Lots of icy, shivery, frozen photos, but some others as well. I had a couple days where I took a photo, but didn't like it because it was similar to one I'd already taken. So I took another one. I don't know if that's allowed, but that's how I'm rolling.

Anyways, here are my photos for this week:

January 14
Our snowy owl that we carve for High On Ice.

January 15
The trophy that we won for carving the snowy owl at High On Ice.

January 16
It was so cold, frost was forming on my balcony door.

January 18
The hoar frost wasn't as hoar-y as I'd hoped.

January 19
Hey look, a person! Oh wait, it's just me and my giant forehead.

January 20
Shiny disco balls at a goodbye dinner

January 21
A note from the guy that was parked in my space for over a day.

So there we go! Three weeks down, only 49 more to go!

Flashy flashy!

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