Wednesday, January 11, 2012

WLW: Ugh

I did bad things on Friday.

Friday was a very weird day, filled with many extremes and little in the way of comfortable middle grounds. I woke up and realized I was completely out of breakfast food, so I just grabbed a breakfast bagel from the coffee shop around the corner and figured I'd be better at lunch and buy a salad.

Wel, as the day wore on stress levels were going up and thing happened that were going to directly impact our department, which led to the wonderful idea that we all needed cheeseburgers for lunch! Let me tell you, that was a lot of grease for someone who hasn't had a whole lot in a long time.

Like this, only more fast food-y

Then someone who actually likes our newspaper brought us a little treat – doughnuts. And not the crappy kind from Tim Horton's, oh no. These were freshly baked, still soft and sugary doughnuts from Safeway. Which, by the way, are like twice the size of a Timmies doughnut.

So after the breakfast bagel, combo meal from Wendy's and the doughnut, I figure I probably won't need much in the way of dinner. Some carrot sticks if I have anything at all. Went to the walking track and really power walked for the whole hour, just to try and maybe work off some of the doughnut, if nothing else.

It wasn't until I got home that things turned ugly.

As soon as I laid on the couch, my stomach got all swollen and I spent about 30 minutes in the bathroom waiting to puke. I didn't, and that was kind of irritating because as much as I hate vomiting, I think I would have felt a lot better if I had.

So I spent the rest of the night walking around with a little trash can, you know, just in case. Initially I thought I was getting the stomach flu, since Facebook statuses have been informing me that it's going around, but then I realized this wasn't unlike that incident back in August in Montana. I figured it was just my eating a bunch of really shitty food in a few hours that did it. Moving forward, moving along.

Until it happened again on Sunday.

I was just sitting on the couch, minding my own business, browsing some super cute boots on ShoeDazzle, when all of a sudden I got that vomiting feeling in my throat again. Which was made ever weirder by the fact that my stomach didn't hurt. At all.

At that point, I was getting very very annoyed. I'd eaten mostly vegetables on Saturday, and I'd only eaten breakfast a few hours prior, trying to get back to normal and I'm still getting a barfy feeling? Not cool, body. Seriously, not cool.

Upon further investigation with Google, all I could find was that a lot of pregnant women get that barfy feeling and it's linked to heartburn and acid reflux. Since I'm definitely not pregnant, but I am a chronic heartburn sufferer, I figured it can't hurt to try and do some of the things they do for relief. So for the time being I'm going to self-medicate with apples and chamomile tea. Oh, and Zantac. Definitely Zantac.

An apple a day keeps the barfy feeling away

Okay, so that was my physical drama. Onwards to the the weigh-in/measurements!

I was a little disappointed in my measurements. I've lost about five inches or so total, and I was kind of expecting a higher number. But then, I realized two things: One, the starting number for my bust size wasn't in my sister's spreadsheet, which ought to bring the number up somewhat since I'm not filling out shirts the way I used to. And two, these starting numbers are only from November – if I'd actually measured myself when I started this back in June, the number would be considerably higher at this point.

That's me trying to be positive. How'm I doing?

As for weigh-in, well, I had to do it twice because I really almost didn't believe what I was seeing. I almost started crying.

Maybe it was the Friday fuck up, maybe it was the shitty feeling I had afterwards. Maybe it was the fact that since then I've cut back on my meat intake and consumed copious amounts of veggies. Or maybe it's all the exercise FINALLY catching up, because gentle readers, I am, for the first time since October (holy fuck, really?!), able to post a loss. A REAL loss.

Last week I was 224.7, this week, I weighed in, and I'm totally not kidding here, 222.0.

Holy shitballs.

I am down 2.7 pounds... I haven't had a loss that substantial since... Thanksgiving weekend... Wow, it's kind of amazing that I haven't just said 'Fuck it' and quit. I'm actually a little paranoid that this week was a fluke, that Scale is just trying to get my hopes up only to have me gain back the 2.7 and then some next week.

But I can't think like that and I can't quit now. The dress I ordered for the weddings this summer arrived, and I purposely ordered a size smaller than I am now. Now I have to work my ass off in order to fit into for June. How's THAT for motivation?

Here it hangs in my room:

The red dots are actually little skulls.
Super cute, right?

So anyhoo, hooray for little victories, I'm going to celebrate with a kiwi.

Fruit and veggies,

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