Sunday, January 1, 2012

In the New Year...

Holy shit, where the hell has the last decade gone?

It's officially 2012. It's the year I will turn 30 and mark the fifth anniversary of my working at AHN.

What else will it bring? Who knows? I don't have a crystal ball. I had a Magic 8 Ball once, but it was a snarky little fucker that found it's way into the trash, I'm pretty sure.

I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions because they're completely ridiculous. No one ever sticks to a specific list of things to change about themselves, so why even bother making said list?

However, it can be a good jumping off point for a lot of people. But really, that can really happen any time of the year. Yes, January is is when we go buy a new calendar, so people think it makes sense to start then, but why wait until you hang a new kitten/travel/outhouse calendar to make changes? I started my changes back in June. Seemed like as good a time as any.

That being said, I do have a couple things I intend to work on to better myself, or at the very least, shit I should have done ages ago but never got around to it. So in the spirit of NYE and all that jazz, here's my 2012 to-do list.

1. I will start actually keeping a daytimer and start actually using it. I mean it this time, I even went out a bought one! It's red, very cute.

2. I will stop drinking pop. Period. Not even diet pop will be allowed. This is a vice I seriously need to kick.

3. I would like to participate in the Emperor's Challenge, which is a half marathon over a mountain. I've been meaning to do this for the past few years, but I've always been out of the region on holidays at the time.

4. I'm going to purge my closet and donate all the clothes to some organization that can use them. I have so many clothes of various sizes, as I've been various sizes since moving here, so lots of different women could wear them.

5. I'm going to get that second bedroom organized so I can use it as a writing room. I just finished Stephen King's On Writing, and now I feel like I could actually get some of these stories in my head out and into text form.

6. I'm going to try that Project 365 thing, where you take a photo a day for a year. I'd like to see if I could actually stick to it.

Six things is enough, right?

And to kick things off, here's the first photo from the Project 365.

Good morning, 2012.

And I promise it won't be a year of sunrise/sunset photos. This just seems like a natural starting off point. I don't know if I'll post every single photo here, but if I can find a way to make it feasible, I will. Otherwise, they'll be on my Facebook.

And with that, I wish everyone all the best in the New Year.

Resolutions and Resolve,

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