Tuesday, January 31, 2012

WLW: One Month Later...

So, it's officially February – lets see how I've done with my 2012 to-do list so far!
1. I will start actually keeping a daytimer and start actually using it. I mean it this time, I even went out a bought one! It's red, very cute.
This I have in fact been doing. My little red daytimer with it's wise advice on the cover has held meetings, practices, and upcoming events. So I think that one deserves a great big checkmark.

2. I will stop drinking pop. Period. Not even diet pop will be allowed. This is a vice I seriously need to kick.
Okay, actually quitting pop cold turkey was probably a pipe dream, but in the last month I've only had, I think maybe four pops? Considering I used to have at least one or more a day, I'd say that's a vast improvement.

3. I would like to participate in the Emperor's Challenge, which is a half marathon over a mountain. I've been meaning to do this for the past few years, but I've always been out of the region on holidays at the time.
This is still a number of months away, and registrations hasn't even opened yet. But I've started doing the running program in hopes of getting ready for it. So we'll get back to this one.

4. I'm going to purge my closet and donate all the clothes to some organization that can use them. I have so many clothes of various sizes, as I've been various sizes since moving here, so lots of different women could wear them.
I've partially purged and remove one garbage bag full of office clothes. It turns out I am a total t-shirt fanatic. I don't know why I have so many t-shirts, but the majority of them have gone into another garbage bag.

5. I'm going to get that second bedroom organized so I can use it as a writing room. I just finished Stephen King's On Writing, and now I feel like I could actually get some of these stories in my head out and into text form.
Have not started this yet. I have started a couple of short stories though. Check back later.

6. I'm going to try that Project 365 thing, where you take a photo a day for a year. I'd like to see if I could actually stick to it.
Now this, I have definitely been sticking to. Check out Week One, Week Two, Week Three and Week Four. One month down, only 11 more to go!

So, yeah. Not doing too shabby, I don't think. The running has been good – I feel good when I'm done.

I had a few 'why the fuck am I bothering' days this week. I want the numbers on Scale to go down faster, but they aren't. I'm up like .2 pounds this week, which isn't that big of a deal, but it's still frustrating. I just really, really, really want to get out if the 220's, and I'm so fucking close... three lousy little pounds, that's it!


I've just had three very long weeks at work, and it's not helping my stress levels.I think I'm retaining stress fat. That's a real thing, right?

I decided I wanted a sandwich for dinner instead of my usual salad and chicken/fish. So I had a sandwich. And it was lovely.

I'm out of town this weekend, which means restaurant food, which totally fucking sucks, but I'm going to attempt to keep the gorging to a minimum.

Peace and Love,

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