Sunday, May 6, 2012

Single Girl in the Energetic City

So here I am, living up in Northern B.C. in a town that allegedly has a men to women ratio of 4:1.

I really don't know that I believe that.

Granted, that's not factoring in that many of those guys are married, or gay, or whatever. There's just a lot of dudes here because many of them work out in the oil patch.

And being a single career women, it's not easy for me to meet all these alleged eligible bachelors. I mean, where the hell are they, if not in the patch or at the bar!? I don't really do the bar scene anymore – last time I went out with the girls some guy asked all my friends to dance before finally one of them said he should dance with me because I'm not married. He didn't seem that enthused and begrudgingly accepted.

Way to make a chick feel special, asshole. Such is my life. Nobody likes me.

Anyhooooo, I've been relegated to online dating, since I can't seem to find a decent guy in the real world. Not that I'm really finding anyone online either, but it's at least a little more interesting.

For instance, Plenty of Fish has a feature that allows you to see who has viewed your profile. This is a bonus for a couple reasons – one, I can see that guys are in fact looking at my profile, that I did exist in these guys' matches; and two, I can see if the guys I've messaged have looked at my profile and decided to move on.

Sometime in the last week, some guy looked at my profile, and his picture was a George Costanza type pose on a bear skin rug. Intrigued, I checked out his profile and saw that he seemed like an interesting fellow, despite living somewhere in the Lower Mainland, and had requested in his profile to be creative with any messages you send him. Just saying "Hi" would not cut it with this guy, he needed interesting messages!

Happy to oblige, dude.

Since the bearskin rug photo was the first one I saw, I created a little backstory as to how the bear came to be a rug, suggesting that Buddy was involved in an epic Man Vs. Nature battle that he obviously won. Thus, the bear earned it's place of honour in front of a fire, where sexy times obviously commenced, because what else would you do with a bearskin rug in front of a fire?

The next day, his profile was gone. My message was gone because he, as a user, no longer existed.

Honestly dude? Don't ask for creative messages if you don't seriously want them!

For now, I shall continue slogging through the suggested matches who live no where near me, and see if I can't land myself a good catch.

Random Fishing Metaphor,

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