Wednesday, May 2, 2012


This has been the longest week of my life – the calendar week, not the Weight Loss Wednesday week – and it's only half way done!

I finally managed to go grocery shopping on Sunday after not really going for something like two weeks. As much as I hate eating out every meal, the convenience of grabbing something quick for lunch or on the way home for dinner trumped anything else. Including cost, which gets pretty pretty friggin' high.

I've had days this weight loss week where I only ate once during the whole day, but what I did eat wasn't particularly healthy. I don't think I ate anything too terrible... except that one day...

Oh yeah, this is bad. And so fucking delicious....

Add to that the second cupcake of the week that I got yesterday while I was in Dawson Creek for a meeting... I deserved it after spending over half my day not doing my own work and having to do my own work when we got back! So there!

Although I don't know how all that accounted for a six pound gain when I stepped on Scale on Sunday just to do a mid-week check. And that number hasn't moved since then. Rawr!

This has happened before, a seemingly unrealistic and utterly ridiculous rise in the scale number that usually corrects itself when my body catches up to itself... usually on Thursday after the official weigh in. Murphy's Law and all that shit.

Granted, I did kind of ignore My Fitness Pal this week and just figured I was eating all right. We all remember what happened when I was doing that before, don't we? No weight was lost. At all.

But today is a new day! And this is a new week! I got up, made my strawberries and yogurt, brewed my own coffee and will be bringing my soup and wrap for lunch, and I even remembered to take out some pork chops for dinner! I am winning today already!

I am also going to have to start running my ass around the block or something, cuz my exercise routine has fallen by the wayside of late. Derby and dance are still being done, but all the extra running and whatnot have taken a backseat to work and other shit recently.

Forget all that! New day muthafuckas!!!!

Now I'm gonna go to work and slog through that mess for a while.

Cups and Cakes,

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