Wednesday, May 9, 2012

WLW: Do I or Don't I?

So I did better with eating this week than last week. To get it said right off the hop, I took off two pounds of that seven pound gain, so it clearly wasn't just water weight.

My mother has suggested I try what my sister is currently doing – going hardcore vegan for a month just to kickstart my system. Brandy has done this on and off for the last year, and when she does stick to it, it really does work. I know, because I watched her get smaller every week. Plus Mom's concerned I'm all toxic and shit after I work up with an awful stomach ache on Saturday.

I really don't know if I could do total vegan – I'm told by the third day you're craving the crap food so bad that unless there's a copious amount of will power, you'll cave in. I'm told it's basically fruit for breakfast, veggies and beans for lunch and a gigantic salad for dinner.

I think I'm going to give it a shot for a week and see how I do. It can't really hurt, right? I won't be starting until Monday though, as I've got a goodbye party this weekend and I plan on not letting any stupid eating habits get in the way of my enjoying one of the last night's my Derby Wife is in town.

I'm going to have to investigate creative ways to cook veggies... maybe do skewers on the barbecue since I just pulled that thing out of retirement and made hot dogs on Monday. Fuck were they ever good.

The balcony barbecue corner.

Unfortunately, hot dogs aren't allowed on this vegetarian/vegan/cleansing thing. This is part of the reason I'm waiting until Monday to start this – I've got meat in the house that I don't want to throw away, but if I start and still have it in the freezer, I'm worried I'll cave and actually make the effort to cook and eat it.

In other news, we did team photos for the upcoming bout in Quesnel... I dislike how I look in them, but it's really more to do with my setting up the photo and then jumping in for the actual shot and sitting very awkwardly. I'm still a fat ass, but whatevs.

I'm the bitch in green, in case you couldn't tell.

It's a work in progress, I suppose. I just thought when i started this almost a year ago, i'd be down a hell of a lot more than I am. I haven't even hit the 20 pound mark – that's fucking pathetic.

Oh well. I'll be on day three of being a veggie-head the next time I post a Weight Loss Wednesday... be prepared for more f-bombs than usual as I attempt to cut delicious meat from my diet.

Happy herbivore-ing,

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