Wednesday, May 30, 2012

WLW: Food Frenemies

Food really wasn't my friend this week.

As I said last week, I went on a little road trip to play roller derby in Quesnel and was going to try my damnedest to stick to my eating no matter what!

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

I was only gone for something like 36 hours.. you'd think I'd have been able to stick to it better. It all started as we rolled into Prince George. It was about 2 p.m. and I was in need of food, since I likely wasn't going to be able to eat before the bout.

We stopped at the mall to stretch our legs for a few minutes, and I wandered over to the food court to see if there was anything edible. Amongst the usual New York Fries, Sizzling Wok and Subway was an Opa Souvlaki. 'Wonderful' I thought, 'I can get some salad, and maybe some chicken for a protein boost! Most excellent!'

So I did. It wasn't too heavy and it was pretty damn good while I sat in the truck and tried to balance it on my knees while we proceeded on our journey.

Now, a couple hours earlier,we were approaching Chetwynd, which has a 7-11 where FSJ does not. Ruby said they don't stop at 7-11 now that a Timmy's had been built. I made some comment about not getting chicken on a stick, and Ruby made another comment about how awful she and her hubby had felt after eating the chicken on a stick.

Why is this important? Because the chicken souvlaki is on a stick.

"What did I tell you about eating chicken on a stick!?!?" - Ruby Grindstone.

I think it was a combo of the anxiety of the bout and aforementioned chicken on a stick, but I felt like tossing my cookies all over the lobby by the time we got to the hotel.

The bloat feeling stuck around right up until we started playing, and by then I was too into the game to think much about it.

After the bout, we were informed there would be a free beer for each of us in the beer garden. Who am I to say no for a free beer? The beer – combined with dehydration from sweating buckets in an incredibly hot arena for 2-3 hours – went right to my head and all I could think about was super-bad-for-you-pub-food. Upon returning to the hotel I had more beer and four (that's right FOUR!!) slices of meat lovers pizza. They just went down like, well, kind of like the aforementioned beer. I can't remember that last time I was so ravenous.

Around 1:15 a.m., I made my way back to my room and by 2 a.m. I was out cold. Unfortunately, I was wide awake around 7, because that's around when I wake up at home. Bummer indeed.

After laying in bed and vainly attempting to find something to watch on TV on a Sunday morning, I got up and made my way down to Denny's. If you only know one factoid about me, let it be this: I. Love. Breakfast. Bacon, eggs and hash browns are my end all be all of breakfast food. And I had them, oh, how I had them.

So between all that nonsense, plus the sandwich from Subway on the way home (no way in Hell was I trying Opa again after the day before), I was at 220-something. Ruby says I'm putting too much emphasis on the scale number and really ought to look at my inches again, because those have definitely gone down. Ruby is wise, oh yes she is.

This weekend I am off to Grande Prairie for the regional bellydance show, which I had hoped to have a little less belly for, but I made my bed. Now I have to dance in it.

I know I say this every week, but it's a new week... let's see if I can try not fucking it up again. Keep watching for a full post on the game itself, it was pretty epic.

Shimmy and Smash!

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